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Who or what is your main source of inspiration?


My parents, hands down. The first time I did a show, I was the cheese in my 1st grade Thanksgiving play. I ran off stage crying and never said a single line. These same people, then paid for me to go to college to major in Theatre. If they can have that much faith in me, I gotta be able to live up to it.


You act and direct, did one spark the other or did you always know you wanted to do both?


Acting definitely sparked my interest in directing. With Acting, I was able to work with a lot of different directors who all had a different method on getting their project done. Then I started writing scripts of my own, and as I was searching for directors and trying to explain the purpose and shots I was looking for, I realized I might as well try and direct it myself.


Do you find understanding both sides of the camera to be an advantage in making a film?


Absolutely. It’s the difference between talking to your best friend for years about a favorite movie, and talking to a stranger about it. A lot of time on set is used translating what the production team is doing in a way the talent can understand and vice versa. However, by getting rid of that communication barrier, it saves time and creates a more creative environment.


In the future do you see yourself focusing more on one (acting or directing), if so why and what do you want to do with that?


Acting is what came first, and I think that’s where my home is. I’m planning my move to the West Coast after graduation, where hopefully I’ll be able to have the best of both worlds. Find a steady production job behind the scenes, as well as audition for roles in my free time.


Do you have any advice for aspiring actors or directors?


Be as a part of the process as much as you possibly can. The more you know, the more help you are on set, the more work you’re going to get in the long run.

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